Central StationBlackgate


The Vampire Rabbit  

29 Collingwood Street, opposite to the Revolution Bar. Close to Bigg Market and Central Station.

Metro - Central Station
Click here for map

from 8th August 2024 Monday - Wednesday 12pm - 12am, Thursday - Sunday 12pm - 2am.
Email: oliver@knoxodevelopments.com
Telephone: 07777 444078
Facebook: facebook.com/www.thecontinental.co.uk
Instagram: instagram.com/vampirerabbitnewcastle

Amstel, Moretti, Cruzcampo, Beavertown Neck Oil and Beavertown Gamma Ray on tap
Old Mout Berries and Cherries cider also on offer.
A great range of cocktails and spirits available.

None advertised in bar.

Special Deals:

Live Sports: none shown here.

Music: Regular music is on play at most times. Live music is a regular feature on certain nights.

Click for Review
Grand Continental cocktail bar and cafe is located in a listed building on the corner of Collingwood Street.

The bar which is set out over 2 floors has been taken over by the owners of Filthy's, Passing Clouds and The Points in the Bigg Market.

It formerly known as The Continental.

The main bar is located to the left of the main entrance and smart drop down lighting giving a comfortable feel to the place.

There is ample seating with tables and chairs by the window and stools by the bar to enjoy some of the tasty cocktails on offer.

The vault area downstairs has been converted into further seating space.

Regular music is on play at most times.

The bar attracts a steady clientele including those heading from the Bigg Market to the Quayside.

It should become a popular venue with the excellent range of cocktails on offer and being close to the 'Diamond Strip'.

Disabled access is very good as the bar is all on the one level. Downstairs toilets are small and clean.

Price: Moderate.